ec2 node type preferred:

Instance Size vCPU Memory (GiB) Instance Storage (GB) Networking Performance (Gbps)*** EBS Bandwidth (Gbps)
i4g.2xlarge 8 16 1875 GB Up to 12 Up to 10

Family: Storage Optimized. I4g instances are optimized for I/O intensive applications and are targeted to customers using transactional databases (Amazon DynamoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL), Amazon OpenSearch Service, and real-time analytics such as Apache Spark.

Cost: 0.779 per instance per hour for OD - 569 USD / month Storage: General purpose gp2 - 80 GB - 9.12 USD / month

replicaCount → keep it as it is mentioned in the default values, for all the components

Changes in values file:

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 9.33.56 PM.png

All the above values need to be set to [](<>) i4g.2xlarge

For monitoring set-up with prometheus-stack, update this in the values file as well

			enabled: true